Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Return of the Ruby-throats

   Lots of irons in the fire,  but returned home this afternoon to find the property abuzz with both sexes of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.  In the blink of of an eye, they are not only back but busy fighting over the feeders!   Did not see a single one yesterday.   I hung out 3 feeders, all I have, which will have to last them for some time.  I need some new ones as the plastic on a couple has faded from red to sort of a powdery pink due to the hot sun.   That darn hard 13F degree night back in January, blew up the good feeders that were out while I was away.  One of the male Ruby-throats that arrived out there today is already displaying to females.They just don't mess around.
   Several Gnatcatchers were in the yard as well but I did not have time to look for anything else today though did see the Spotted Towhee.....Dang,  I hear thunder to the west and I didn't even know there was rain forecasted.(?)
   This is the date I sometimes hear my first Whip-poor-will of the year, but will likely miss that event this spring.


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